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Leaving Affiliated Masonry

Here, we are including sample letters for withdrawal from Freemasonry and several Concordant Masonic Orders. These letters may be used as is or adapted to fit your purposes. Feel free to change them. Please remember that even if your letter is not honored or responded to by the Order(s) you belong to, the Order will probably suspend you for non-payment of dues if you are no longer paying them and are not attending meetings. Freemasonry claims, "Once a Mason, always a Mason". This is a LIE!

NOT OPTIONAL: You must mail the original copy of this letter to the Board of the Local Order. I advise you to copy the letter before you send it and keep this copy for yourself.


After you are sure the Board has received and read your withdrawal letter (seven weeks at the most), other optional ideas for presenting your withdrawal letter to the Order members include:

  1. Send each member a copy of your withdrawal letter.
  2. Read your withdrawal letter out loud to the entire Order at the end of a business meeting.
Whether or not your withdrawal letter is honored by the Order, you can consider yourself an ex-member. Simply stop paying dues and stop attending meetings. We’d love to hear of your decision to leave the Order. If you are interested in participating with a fellowship of ex-Masons and ex-Concordant Masons, please visit the Ex-Masons for Jesus page at

Testimonies all in one place:

The following testimonies are first-hand experiences of people who have left Freemasonry or various affiliated Masonic Orders for women and children.* Please visit the Salvation page which includes a “Sample Prayer”.